March in a Tweet: the
studios reveal their unlikely blockbuster gambles with varying success and the Jameson
Empire Awards right the wrongs of Oscar Season.
Everyone was talking about: ...the long-awaited Empire Magazine podcast! Available from iTunes.
Best Film: 21 Jump Street - there's nothing quite so satisfying as a laugh-out-loud surprise comedy. You'll want to watch it again as soon as it ends.

Biggest Disappointment: John Carter - with Andrew Stanton at the helm, we all hoped he would work his WALL.E and Finding Nemo magic. Unfortunately, it bombed.
Best Actor: Channing Tatum, 21 Jump Street - I never thought I'd name Channing Tatum as Best Actor of anything but his comedic turn as Jenko stole the show. Give the man more comedies.
Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence, The Hunger Games - Lawrence brought Katniss Everdeen to life in the bigscreen adaptation of the popular teen book.
Best Line: "Fuck you, Glee!" - Jenko (Channing Tatum) in 21 Jump Street.
Best Scene: the Peter Pan fight in 21 Jump Street.
Other Best Scene: Katniss Everdeen's 'William Tell' moment in The Hunger Games. Bullseye!
Missed Opportunity: The Hunger Games should have ended when the game started. It would have provided an awesome cliffhanger and the game itself could have been explored in further detail in the sequel. Judging by the box office takings, the studio is probably kicking themselves that they missed this opportunity to milk the trilogy for extra films.
RIP: Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer on the original Star Wars trilogy, died at the age of 82 due to complications with Parkinson's disease. Lucas commented after McQuarrie's death: "His genial contribution, in the form of unequalled production paintings, propelled and inspired all of the cast and crew of the original Star Wars trilogy." McQuarrie also worked on Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T. and Cocoon, for which he won an Oscar.
Films Seen: John Carter, 21 Jump Street, The Hunger Games, The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! 3D.
Average The Big Fairbanski Star Rating: 2.75
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