July in a Tweet: summer blockbusters reign supreme as Scrat breaks the continents, Bane
breaks Batman and Spider-Man breaks in his web-slingers once more.
Everyone was talking about... Bane's voice! I can't understand him! He sounds like Ian McKellen! And so on.

Best Film: The Dark Knight Rises - a darker, superbly-cast, masterfully-executed swansong to Nolan's Bat trilogy.
Best Actor: Andrew Garfield, The Amazing Spider-Man - Garfield's Peter Parker is much more charismatic, engaging and believable than Tobey Maguire's interpretation. Finally, we have a Peter Parker every bit as watchable as his web-slinging alter-ego.
Best Actress: Anne Hathaway, The Dark Knight Rises - those hoping Bane would be another Joker-esque villain were disappointed but Hathaway's Catwoman is the next best thing: crowd-pleasing, wise-cracking, ass-kicking and she looks stunning in a catsuit.
Best Director: Marc Webb did a terrific job reinventing Spider-Man but this accolade could only go to Christopher Nolan who has crafted a satisfying conclusion his Bat trilogy against insurmountable expectation.
Best Scene: Bane versus Batman in Gotham's sewers. Brutal.
Other Best Scene: the revelation regarding Ras Al Ghul's child. A brilliant twist, well-delivered.
Best Line: "So that's what that feels like." - Batman turns around to find Catwoman has vanished without saying goodbye.
Missed Opportunity: Martin Sheen's Uncle Ben and Denis Leary's Captain Stacy were the best supporting cast members in The Amazing Spider-Man. And both were killed off. We knew their deaths were coming but why not save them for a sequel?
RIP: Oscar-winning Hollywood veteran Ernest Borgnine passed away at the age of 95.
Films Seen: Ice Age 4, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark Knight Rises.
Average The Big Fairbanski Star Rating: 4.33